Advantages to Being a Senior Citizen Living in Florida

by Melinda Leake 08/09/2020

It's no mystery why thousands of retirement-age people choose Florida as the place they'd most like to live during their golden years.

The warm weather, tropical ocean breezes, and vacation-like environment are among the many reasons there's always a steady stream of retirees moving to Florida or relocating within the state.

Whether you're looking for a beachfront property or a cottage in a senior community, the choices are as varied as the people who make their homes here.

When you weigh the desirable features of living in Florida -- especially in one's retirement years -- the advantages make it a very appealing option!

As the result of the popularity of Florida among senior citizens, many businesses, organizations, and health care facilities are geared to meeting the needs of middle-aged and older residents. Although Florida certainly offers a lot of youth-oriented activities, attractions, and entertainment, it also goes "the extra mile" to cater to the interests and needs of the "Baby Boomer" generation: Americans born roughly between the years of 1946 and 1964.

There's no doubt that Florida seniors contribute immensely to the state's economy -- a fact that is widely recognized by government and business leaders. According to The Aging and Disability Resource Center of Broward County, "The 'spending power' of Florida's elders is $135 billion annually, almost $15 billion more than residents aged 49 and under." It also says seniors account for more than 50% of new home construction, and that seniors comprise more than 40% of all voters in Florida, making them the state's largest voting block. Since the 1970's, "the population of Florida has increasingly grown more senior, and with the aging of the baby boomers," the organization notes, "this trend will continue."

So what does this all mean to present and future Florida home owners who are approaching their retirement years? In a nutshell: Florida is a very "senior friendly" place in which to live, where there are many services, social activities, economic policies, and recreational programs geared to retirees.

While seniors may sometimes feel marginalized in other parts of the country, they are clearly recognized in Florida as a dominant, important, and growing sector of the population. To quote the ADRC: "By 2020, the State is expected to have a population of more then 23.5 million, and people over 60 will make up over 28 percent of that population."

Although Florida has proven to be a vibrant and thriving place to live for people of all ages, seniors have exceptional access to everything from senior-oriented housing and medical care to social activities and recreation.

It's always advisable to research different communities before setting your sights on specific Florida cities, but you won't have far to look for communities, climates, and locations that meet your personal requirements and lifestyle expectations.

About the Author

Melinda Leake

Meet the team of Your SWFL Real Estate Experts ~ Melinda Leake and Kelly Henderson. Our business is guided by faith & built with integrity. Whether you're buying or selling, you'll benefit from having this team of professional REALTORS by your side.